Monday, October 03 | 1:00AM–1:00AM

The 2005 ResNet Survey: Key Findings

Who supports the technology needs of residential students? Does it matter if that service is provided by a group outside central IT, such as housing or academic computing? How much wireless is installed in residence halls, where is it, and why is it there? What key challenges face residential technology professionals today, and what are they preparing to face tomorrow? David Futey and Kevin Guidry, members of the ResNet Applied Research Group, will address these and other questions by presenting the key findings from the 2005 ResNet Survey, which represents data collected from more than 220 universities and colleges. This survey was the first attempt by members of the ResNet community to gather and analyze data that describe the technology infrastructure in and services provided to college and university residential communities.


  • Dave Futey

  • Kevin Guidry

    Associate Director of Educational Assessment, University of Delaware

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