Monday, November 05, 2007 | 1:00AM–1:00AM

Lessons Learned from the April 16, 2007, Tragedy at Virginia Tech

On April 16, 2007, a Virginia Tech student shot and killed 32 faculty and students and wounded 25 others before killing himself in an academic building on campus. The university is still dealing with the aftermath of the incident and expects it to be an ongoing concern for the foreseeable future. This session will encapsulate summaries of the IT-related lessons learned including the impact on the university's communication system; the notification issue; radio communications interoperability; the sheer logistics of accommodating the communications infrastructure and control center needs for a variety of emergency responders and law enforcement; identity management and privacy; and data preservation and computer forensics. Overriding all of these issues is the question of federal, state, and local policies and ways in which policy issues were encountered, confronted, and managed.


  • Erv Blythe

    VP Emeritus for IT, Virginia Tech

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  • LIVE0721 ppt

    9 MB, ppt - Updated on 9/5/2024