Tuesday, October 02, 2007 | 1:00AM–1:00AM

Annual Copyright License—A New Tool for Permissions

Colleges and universities routinely struggle to address their copyright licensing needs campus-wide. How do faculty, library, bookstore staff, and others on campus effectively assess and secure the rights to copy material for coursepacks, classroom handouts, reserves, course Web pages, e-mail, and more? Are instructors getting permission to post published content on course management systems and electronic reserves when fair use may not apply?

To address these challenges, CCC recently unveiled the Annual Copyright License for Academic Institutions, a comprehensive campus-wide license that permits campus faculty, staff, and researchers to use and share copyrighted text-based content online and in print. In this presentation, we will learn how staff members at Middlebury College, the license's charter client, helped CCC shape this new licensing service and how they're using it to address their copyright needs. This session will also include a brief overview of the license itself.


  • Tim Bowen

    Sr. Director, Information & Content Solutions, Copyright Clearance Center

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