Thursday, May 29 | 1:00AM–1:00AM

Patents in Higher Education: Issues Arising from the Blackboard Case

The dispute between Blackboard and Desire2Learn over patenting course management software has highlighted a variety of questions about patents and patent enforcement in higher education. What role should patents play in academia’s highly collaborative, not-for-profit, revenue-strapped environment? As both producers and consumers of patented inventions, higher education has interests both diverse and deep. In this session, a respected patent litigator and leading CIO will explore key areas of patent law and discuss higher education's options and opportunities.


  • James Hilton

    Dean of Libraries; Vice Provost for Digital Educat, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

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    198 KB, ppt - Updated on 1/27/2024
  • LIVE089b ppt

    282 KB, ppt - Updated on 1/27/2024
  • Session Archive

    Updated on 1/27/2024