Monday, November 10, 2008 | 1:00AM–1:00AM

REN-ISAC: Community Support for Cybersecurity Protection and Response

As with many institutional endeavors, successful practice in cybersecurity requires that the players (individuals and teams) operate in the context of a community that faces similar challenges, objectives, and goals. Several community-based organizations support higher education and research institutions in their cybersecurity endeavors.

The EDUCAUSE/Internet2 Security Task Force coordinates community work in the areas of governance, policy, data privacy and security, effective practice, awareness, and professional development. As an independent organization aligned closely with EDUCAUSE and Internet2, the REN-ISAC has primary focus on supporting situational awareness and operational protection and response, through the sharing of actionable information. This presentation will highlight the value of institutional participation in security communities and describe in detail the REN-ISAC organization and community.


  • Doug Pearson

    Technical Director, REN-ISAC, Indiana University Bloomington

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