Tuesday, June 09, 2009 | 1:00AM–1:00AM

Making IT a Key Part of the Campus Sustainability Effort

Campuses across the nation are making sustainability an important institutional goal. Their efforts are often directed by staff in new positions who collaborate with a wide range of campus organizations including facilities, food services, student affairs, and other areas. The IT organization is not always involved in these initiatives, yet its activities directly impact environmental stewardship and are a strong enabler of change. This session will focus on Indiana University's approach to making IT a key component of the sustainability effort. We will present a model for such activities, describe lessons learned, and discuss the future roles of IT in sustainability.


  • Dennis Cromwell

    Executive Director, Media Digitization and Preservation Initiative, Indiana University
  • Kristin Hanks

    Sustainable Computing Graduate Assistant, Indiana University Bloomington

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    Updated on 9/5/2024