Wednesday, July 07 | 1:00AM–1:00AM

What Do Newer Generation Faculty Want from IT Services?

IT professionals have paid attention to research on the attitudes, aptitudes, expectations, and learning styles attributed to student generational cohorts, but now those students are returning to our institutions as faculty members. What are the consequences when our former Net Gen and late Gen X customers become our colleagues and have different expectations than their colleagues? UW-Milwaukee Assistant Professor Michael Zimmer and CIO Bruce Maas will discuss the inherent tensions and opportunities in both supporting and getting out of the way of faculty who are "digital natives."


  • Bruce Maas

    Honorary Fellow-Information School, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Resources & Downloads

  • LIVE1018 doc

    48 KB, doc - Updated on 9/5/2024
  • LIVE1018 ppt

    1 MB, ppt - Updated on 9/5/2024
  • Archive of Recording

    Updated on 9/5/2024