Wednesday, May 19 | 1:00AM–1:00AM

The FCC and Network Neutrality

"Network neutrality" refers to the principle by which Internet access is provided in a nondiscriminatory manner, treating all legal content the same regardless of the source or destination. In 2008, the Federal Communications Commission attempted to enforce network neutrality by requiring Comcast to change its Internet access practices. A recent Appeals Court decision rejected the FCC's action and called into question the FCC's authority to enforce network neutrality. FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski has responded with a "third way" proposal. In this presentation, we'll review the chairman's new proposal; explain what it means to the Internet in general and to higher education in particular; review the arguments, pro and con, made by commercial and public interests; and consider how the FCC, Congress, and other government agencies may respond to those arguments.


  • John Windhausen

    President, Telepoly Consulting

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