Virtualization Beyond Servers: Delivering a New Desktop and Application Deployment Strategy
As campuses continue to search for ways to cut costs and increase sustainability, more are exploring the potential for virtual desktops to provide seamless anytime, anywhere access to end users.
In this interactive conversation, Steve Sears, director for cloud and virtualization services at The Johns Hopkins University, and Duane Schau, director for leveraged support at Indiana University Bloomington, will highlight a new model for delivering desktops and applications as a service. This model represents a fundamental change in the way the desktops are currently constructed, delivered, and managed. Decoupling the user persona from the local OS and application layers lessen the need for local desktop support, giving technical staff located in schools and departments greater capacity to innovate. Whether delivered via server-based computing, hosted virtual desktops, a PC, or all in combination, the user experience remains consistent and predictable.