Friday, February 25, 2011 | 1:00AM–1:00AM

The Future of Fair Use

In this EDUCAUSE Live! we will discuss ethics and strategies for overcoming institutional roadblocks related to publishing and teaching with copyrighted media. As fair use protections and potentials continue to expand, how can nonspecialists help shape a more rational future for fair use? Topics will include the myths and realities of fair use, best practices, DMCA exemptions, and the practicalities of working with copyrighted media across a full spectrum of scholarly and pedagogical activities.

Resources & Downloads

  • LIVE116 doc

    74 KB, doc - Updated on 9/7/2024
  • LIVE116 pdf

    5 MB, pdf - Updated on 9/7/2024
  • LIVE116 ppt

    12 MB, ppt - Updated on 9/7/2024
  • Seminar Recording Archive

    Updated on 9/7/2024