The concept of negotiation is something we use almost every day with co-workers, bosses, friends, and family. Learning to negotiate successfully, especially where both parties feel the result is a win-win solution, is an essential skill. The ability to negotiate complex or high-stakes issues often requires a high degree of emotional intelligence, self-awareness, and preparation in order to achieve satisfactory results. The presenters will share lessons learned from their manifold negotiation experiences over the years, with an emphasis on the key emotional intelligence skills everyone should focus on mastering, as well as tips on becoming successful negotiators. The lessons they have learned from negotiating will benefit attendees looking for productive interpersonal tools.
Jack Suess
Vice President of IT & CIO, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Sue Traxler
Assistant Chancellor for Learning and Information, University of Wisconsin-Stout
Sue Workman
Interim VP for Information Services and Technology, Boston University