Tuesday, December 13, 2016 | 1:00PM–2:00PM | Online

Using Design Thinking to Innovate How We Support Teaching and Learning

Academic transformation requires creative solutions, and design thinking is emerging in the tech industry as a powerful set of methods for developing original solutions to seemingly intractable problems. In this session, we will apply design thinking to the question, How do we develop and implement innovative and evidence-based approaches to teaching and learning using technology? You will get an introduction to design thinking techniques by working on actual instructional technology and design issues you face at your home institution and sharing them with fellow participants. You'll leave with a sense of what design thinking is, why it works, and the value it might bring to your campus.

Outcomes: Understand cognitive, affective, physiological, and other empirical obstacles to problem solving * Organize information related to a problem requiring a creative solution and identify at least two strategies for visualizing that data * Employ an "ideation" strategy to identify possible creative solutions to strategic educational technology problems in higher education

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  • Edward O'Neill

    Senior Instructional Designer

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