An App a Day...

Tuesday, February 14, 2012 | 12:30PM–1:30PM | Meeting Room 615A/B
Session Type: ELI
With over 40 applications from mobile to media, geo to social, Google Apps for education is a lot more than e-mail, calendaring, and docs. This session will highlight Case Western Reserve University's collaborative journey to gain a better understanding of the Google Apps for Education suite through active exploration and to develop innovative techniques in which we support our community to meet their demands to promote collaborative learning, field-based research, visualization, problem-solving, critical thinking, and lifelong learning. Participants should bring a mobile device with Internet access or a laptop to join us in a collaborative exploration using a selection of these apps.

Learning Objectives:
*Gain an understanding of the learning environments made possible using Google Apps
*Develop increased knowledge of the Google Apps through active use
*Learn strategies for effective outreach to the campus community


  • Tina Oestreich

    AVP, Teaching and Learning Technologies, Case Western Reserve University
  • Brian Yuhnke

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