An Information Literacy Summer Assignment: Digital Learning Materials for the First-Year Experience

Wednesday, February 15, 2012 | 9:00AM–11:00AM | Grand Ballroom Foyer
Session Type: ELI
As part of a campus-wide summer reading assignment, librarians and technologists were tasked with creating an online information literacy assignment in which students were to complete an annotated bibliography related to the summer reading selection. Learn how the interactive web application combined instructional design, assessment, and usability design and how student work on the assignment was incorporated into First Year Seminars. Assessment data, including student self-evaluations, narrative feedback from students after their first semester of classes, and faculty reflections on the value of the assignment will be included, along with conclusions and implications from the perspective of librarians and technologists.

Learning Objectives:
*Learn about a model for the instructional design and assessment of an online, instructor-less information literacy learning experience
*Learn about the technical procedures and considerations required to launch a similar project
*Begin the design process for a similar project by identifying learning goals/outcomes, designing a user experience, and identifying criteria for assessment; start a discussion about the availability of appropriate technology and the technical support required for such a project
*Gain a holistic understanding of one case study of information literacy-focused digital learning material, including student, faculty, and librarian feedback and reflection on the usefulness of the project


  • Jeremy Donald

    Assessment & User Experience Librarian, Trinity University