Blending Presentation and Instant Assessment Capabilities for Interactive Mobile Learning

Tuesday, February 14, 2012 | 2:30PM–4:30PM | Grand Ballroom Foyer
Session Type: ELI
Classroom interaction can be improved using "traditional" instant assessment devices such as clickers or newer, web-based tools. In either case, switching between different tools often breaks the flow of classroom interaction. A mobile web app, Mindmeldr, was created in response to the limitations of single-purpose tools for instant assessment. The goal of Mindmeldr is to seamlessly combine basic presentation capabilities with instant polling/texting using mobile devices. Every slide in a Mindmeldr presentation can have different levels of engagement with the audience, ranging from no feedback to polling, textual responses, or graphical feedback, allowing for flexible interaction scenarios.

Learning Objectives:
*Learn about the technological capabilities and limitations of mobile tools for instant assessment, as opposed to wireless tools like clickers
*Learn about the new forms of classroom interaction that become feasible with the advent of mobile devices in the classroom
*Learn about the practical challenges, both technical and behavioral, of switching to mobile learning tools in a classroom


  • Ramalingam Saravanan

    Professor, Texas A&M University