Creating a Successful and Sustainable Faculty Development Plan for the Adoption of Technology-Based Teaching and Learning Initiatives in Higher Education

Monday, February 13, 2012 | 3:45PM–4:45PM | Salon F
Session Type: ELI
While the use of blended learning, mobile learning, and online learning have altered the face and future of higher education, faculty members are often resistant to these innovations. What is generally lacking in the adoption of these innovative practices is high-quality, sustainable faculty training and development programs that include robust assessment and tracking of programmatic success and student learning. This session will cover the necessary steps to introduce faculty to an innovation such as blended learning; garner faculty support; plan a pedagogically rich, effective faculty workshop; and sustain growth and adoption of the innovation by implementing a strong assessment plan.

Learning Objectives:
*Understand the hurdles faced when attempting to introduce an innovation on campus and how to develop concrete strategies for overcoming them *Understand the essential components of successful faculty training/development experiences by taking a clicker quiz
*Understand how to plan for a technology-based teaching and learning initiative


  • Tanya Grosz

  • Ying Wang

    Faculty, University of Northwestern, St. Paul

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