Cyber Peer-Led Team Learning Implementation and Evaluation

Tuesday, February 14, 2012 | 11:00AM–1:00PM | Grand Ballroom Foyer
Session Type: ELI
This presentation discusses the implementation of a high-impact pedagogy, Peer-Led Team Learning (PLTL), in a virtual environment. In particular, we will explore the similarities and differences between a Cyber Peer-Led Team Learning (cPLTL) condition and a face-to-face PLTL condition in an introductory chemistry course. Session attendees will be invited to group together with others who have laptops or other "connected" devices in order to participate in a mock cPLTL workshop.

Learning Objectives:
*Learn how cyber and face-to-face PLTL are alike and different in an introductory chemistry course
*Experience a mock cPLTL workshop environment and describe it
*Interact in a cPLTL environment and describe it
*Develop an action plan to implement cPLTL at their institution


  • Tom Janke

    Director, Center for Academic Technology, Butler University
  • Pratibha Varma-Nelson

    Professor of Chemistry, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)

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