Digital Information Literacy and Learning Spaces - Sponsored furniture provided by Herman Miller
Elizabeth Hodas, Director, Educational Technology and Media Services, Harvey Mudd College
Jeho Park, Scientific Computing Specialist, Harvey Mudd College
A Bite of Learning is a series of presentations organized by the Harvey Mudd College Department of Computing and Information Services in collaboration with our central library. The purpose of the series is to present topics on the use of technology in teaching and learning in an informal setting. The presentations are scheduled at lunch time in the Harvey Mudd College dining hall, and faculty, staff, and students are all invited. The spring 2012 semester is the fifth semester of the series, and it is already having a significant impact on community awareness of innovative uses of technology.
TechQuest 2011: A Fresh Approach to Student Technology Training
Annette Guye-Kordus, Technology Advancement, Communications and Training, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
Jerzy Jura, Technology Advancement & Training Coordinator, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
Renee Pfeifer-Luckett, Director, Learning Technology Center, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
The successful implementation of TechQuest 2011, an online technology orientation program for students at the University of Wisconsin–Whitewater, required the involvement of a diverse group of university staff and students. This new and innovative program offers students guided multimedia tours of campus technology resources. In this showcase session, we will articulate key program success factors, review the implementation timeline, overview the results of a participant survey, and provide a checklist of best practices for implementing such a training program on other campuses.
Learning Space Service Design
Elliot Felix, Director, Brightspot Strategy, LLC
What services should learning spaces offer to provide a great user experience? What process and tools can you use to design services like consultations, events, workshops, and help desks to make them usable, useful, and desirable? This session will answer these questions by providing a brief overview of service design tools, along with examples of service design in practice and concrete steps institutions can take to plan, deliver, and evaluate their services. We'll also address the benefits of using service design, such as responsive, well-utilized spaces and more-engaged learners and staff, in this how-to session.
Founder, Buro Happold
Elizabeth Hodas
Senior Director, Academic and Research Computing Services, Harvey Mudd College -
George Jura
Director - Academic Technology, School of Nursing, University of Wisconsin-Madison -
Jeho Park
Director of Murty Sunak Quantitative and Computing Lab, Claremont McKenna College -
Renee Pfeifer-Luckett
Associate Vice Chancellor for Program Growth, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point