Faculty Technology Surveys in Three Very Different Institutions

Monday, February 13 | 5:00PM–6:00PM | Meeting Room 615A/B
Session Type: ELI
Surveys of faculty use of technology can help inform planning and outreach efforts, as well as evaluate the effectiveness of current services. Three very different institutions, the Lone Star College System (85,000 students, 5 campuses, and a growing online environment), Marquette University (11,000 students in undergraduate, graduate and professional programs), and Swarthmore College (1,500 undergraduates) all chose to use a survey to ensure that services and professional development opportunities were aligned with faculty needs. The presenters will cover the process of developing the survey, the survey results, and implications in each context. Discussion and participation will be encouraged.

Learning Objectives:
*Learn about the questions raised at three very different institutions and see examples of recently completed surveys that had an impact on the presenting institutions
*Get an idea of what's involved in developing an effective survey in the event that other options such as TechQual or MISO surveys aren't adequate
*Learn about trends that have been identified at these institutions


  • Eric Behrens

    Vice President for Library and Information Services, Widener University
  • Marwin Britto

    Associate Dean, University Library, California State University, Dominguez Hills
  • Kathy Lang

    CIO, Salve Regina University

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