Improving Faculty Development Programs: An Analysis of Learning Analytics

Tuesday, February 14 | 11:00AM–1:00PM | Grand Ballroom Foyer
Session Type: ELI
This session evaluates the redesigned faculty development course IDL6543 (Interactive Distributed Learning) at the University of Central Florida. IDL6543 was originally developed in 1994. With the development of technologies and changes in background of our faculty participants, the instructional design team redesigned IDL6543 in spring 2011. In this session, we will share different aspects of the learning analytics we gathered from the redesigned course in summer and fall 2011, such as usage analytics, online social interaction visualization, and formative and summative evaluation results from faculty participants.

Learning Objectives:
*Identify faculty's learning needs in professional development programs
*Identify best practices and components of an effective faculty development program
*Evaluate participants' usage, interactions, and satisfaction levels in a faculty development program using learning analytics
*Discuss how learning analytics can be used to evaluate faculty development programs


  • Baiyun Chen

    ID, University of Central Florida
  • Amy Sugar

    Instructional Designer, University of Central Florida

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