IWitness Online Application: Using Holocaust Survivor Video Testimony to Make Meaning and Share Messages in a 21st Century Learning Environment
Monday, February 13, 2012 | 3:45PM–6:00PM | Grand Ballroom Foyer
Session Type:
USC's Shoah Foundation Institute has developed a new online platform, IWitness. Built by educators for educators, IWitness provides access to more than 1,000 video testimonies of Holocaust survivors and other witnesses. As learners search the archive, respond to and reflect on guided activities, choose clips relevant to their studies, and edit their own videos, they strengthen their knowledge of history and also their digital, information, media, and visual literacies. IWitness incorporates additional digital resources from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and Yad Vashem's Holocaust Resource Center.
Learning Objectives:
*Learn how to use video testimony to engage learners in content learning integrated with digital, information, media, and visual literacies
*Learn how to use the IWitness tools and resources
*Learn how IWitness addresses Common Core Standards as well as the NETS standards from the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)