Mobile Enhanced Inquiry Based Learning in STEM Programs

Tuesday, February 14, 2012 | 2:30PM–3:30PM | Meeting Room 616A/B
Session Type: ELI
Abilene Christian University (ACU) is working with faculty from Del Mar College and California University of Pennsylvania to implement mobile-enhanced inquiry-based learning (MEIBL). This project is funded by a Next Generation Learning Challenges Wave 1 grant. MEIBL addresses the greatest barriers to inquiry-based learning by minimizing the time required to provide differentiated instruction and the fundamental guidance necessary for scientific inquiry with the goal of increasing deep learning. Principal Investigators will present data collected during the first semester and discuss challenges and successes in implementation.

Learning Objectives:
*Gain an understanding of MEIBL
*Examine data from previous studies that show the positive effects of the MEIBL method
*Identify the training required to prepare faculty for implementing the MEIBL approach


  • Cynthia Powell

    Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Abilene Christian University

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