Mobile Learning: Beyond Content Delivery - Sponsored furniture provided by Herman Miller
Jetpack: Right-Sized Mobile Content for Learning Anywhere
Kyle D. Bowen, Director, Informatics, Purdue University
Every student makes the choice for how and where learning will take place. Increasingly, students are turning to mobile devices for accessing their learning content. To facilitate the delivery of learn-anywhere mobile content, Purdue developed Jetpack, a new learning application that offers an alternative to texts, course packs, and class handouts. Jetpack enables instructors to build mobile-ready learning content from a variety of media and resources. All are kept up-to-date wirelessly and delivered to the student's smartphone, tablet, or laptop. This presentation will explore the Jetpack application, how it is being used at Purdue, and plans for making the technology freely available.
Tapping into Student Feedback: Instant Surveying with a Tablet
Jennifer Jones, Assessment & Staff Development Librarian, Georgia State University
Bryan Sinclair, Associate Dean, Public Services, University Library, Georgia State University
Ongoing assessment in academic libraries, particularly the measurement of student perceptions, preferences, and satisfaction, can be a challenge to schedule and execute. To address this challenge, Georgia State University Library piloted the use of tablet computers (iPads) loaded with survey software to poll subjects quickly in the library buildings. The result was a practical, hands-on model that maximized convenience for both subjects and researchers and that other campus administrative and academic units can easily adopt. Presenters will discuss methodology, the benefits of using tablets for formative assessment, recommendations, lessons learned, and ideas for future projects.
Returning Pedagogy to Field Practice through Mobile Technology
Caroline Park, Associate Professor, Athabasca University
Learn how the Technology-Enhanced Health Practice Education Research team in the faculty of health disciplines at Athabasca University is studying smartphone technology as way to bring pedagogy back to the "bedside" for students doing field work in clinical nursing education. Our data about student and teacher perceptions of appropriate information sharing through mobile technology and our practice trial with teacher-student texting will encourage brainstorming and dialogue about how to proceed in this field of study.