NANSLO: Putting Science Labs Online

Monday, February 13, 2012 | 3:45PM–4:45PM | Meeting Room 615A/B
Session Type: ELI12

The North American Network of Science Labs Online (NANSLO) represents an international partnership between postsecondary institutions in the United States and Canada. With funding from Next Generation Learning Challenges, partners are developing openly licensed science courses that include experiments using remote web-based science labs. Find out how NANSLO will enable students to conduct real experiments over the Internet using software, video, and robotics in the critical gateway courses of biology, chemistry, and physics. Learn how the Colorado Community College System is replicating the Remote Web-Based Science Lab developed by BCcampus in this 15-month project and plans to expanding the network.

Learning Objectives:
*Learn what a remote web-based science lab is and how it differs from simulations
*Learn about some of the challenges are to teaching science labs online
*Hear what the plans are for expanding the NANSLO network


  • Pat Shea

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