Seminar 01A - Social Media for Educators: Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube

Monday, February 13 | 9:30AM–1:00PM | Meeting Room 616A/B
Session Type: ELI
The use of social media is no longer in the fad stage. Young and old alike are enthusiastically adopting social media to connect with people in their personal and professional lives. They are also using social media to update their activities and manage their daily communication. This session will focus on social media and how these tools can be used both inside and outside the classroom. More specifically, this session will illustrate the use of social media, outline best practices, and examine considerations in implementing social media.


  • Tanya Joosten

    Senior Scientist + Director, Digital Learning R&D + DETA Research Center, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
  • Matthew Russell

    Instructional Design Consultant, Learning Technology Center, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
  • Sharon Stoerger

    Assistant Dean for Instructional Support and Assessment, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey