Signals at Purdue: Impacting Learning Through Analytic Technology
In 2007, Purdue University piloted an early-warning system called Signals, a system that combines real-time data on course performance with data from Blackboard, providing an accurate view of student performance at any point in time. Since then, Signals has been integrated into nearly 100 courses and has impacted over 23,000 students. Research indicates that students taking courses that utilize Signals have significantly higher rates of retention than their peers who were in courses not using the system. This session will focus on the development of Signals, research on its efficacy, and discussion of faculty and student perceptions of the system.
Learning Objectives:
*Learn about the foundational research behind Signals and how it's related to increased student success
*Learn how Signals impacts student success as indicated by academic success and retention rates
*Learn how students and faculty perceive Signals and its usefulness
*Learn what they might do to implement a comparable early-warning system on their own campus