SimSchool: Research Outcomes from Simulated Classrooms

Tuesday, February 14, 2012 | 11:00AM–1:00PM | Grand Ballroom Foyer
Session Type: ELI
Can we use a computer game to prepare teachers? Attendees will learn about simSchool, a computer game that depicts a simulated teaching environment in which pre-service teachers can practice teaching. Past research from this Next Generation Learning Challenges project has indicated that teacher candidates gain a sense of instructional self-efficacy as a result of using simSchool. Presenters will share the rationale for using simulation in pre-service teacher education, as well as research findings regarding what pre-service teachers learn in a simulated environment. Efforts to validate simSchool's depiction of real students will also be described.Learning Objectives:
*Learn about simSchool's capabilities and the theory behind them
*Understand past research involving classroom simulation
*Know the strengths and weaknesses in simSchool's ability to depict exceptional learners
*Become familiar with the challenges of measuring gains in preservice teacher learning


  • David Gibson

    Founder & Chief Scientist, simSchool