Using Discourse and Document Analysis to Gauge the Effectiveness and Impact of Technology-Based Innovations in Peer Led Team Learning

Tuesday, February 14 | 2:30PM–4:30PM | Grand Ballroom Foyer
Session Type: ELI
To evaluate the effectiveness of cyber innovations in Peer Led Team Learning (cPLTL), the Extended-Term Mixed-Method (ETMM) evaluation design is used to (1) test the efficacy of translating face-to-face peer-led team learning to a cyber-format, (2) compare the level of engagement and learning in each version of the workshop, (3) examine how students learn in cPLTL, and 4) gauge it's overall impact on student outcomes. To fully document implementation and the impact on educational outcomes, discourse and document analysis are incorporated for a more holistic examination of the cyber learning environment-peer interactions, educational dialogue, and the utility of technology.

Learning Objectives:
*Learn about the overall research design for cPLTL
*Discover how discourse and document analysis informs our understanding of student learning and engagement; the strengths of or challenges with technology; and how the cyberenvironment expands or limits resources, activities, and student interaction
*Learn about tools and resources for data collection and analysis
*Discover the benefits of and challenges with data collection
*Learn how to establish trustworthiness with qualitative data


  • Pratibha Varma-Nelson

    Professor of Chemistry, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)

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