An Approach for Structuring Repeatable Learning Tool Pilots

Wednesday, February 03 | 11:00AM–11:45AM | Texas Ballroom Foyer, Fourth Floor
Session Type: Professional Development
The next generation digital learning environment (NGDLE) will be a combination of best-of-breed teaching and learning tools rather than a single monolithic product. Choosing and implementing new learning tools can often involve many groups with different skill sets including instructional design, faculty, students, content development, and IT. Learn how to start thinking about ways to structure organizational relationships and come to agreement on a repeatable process for piloting, choosing, and implementing new learning tools based on pedagogical and other goals.

OUTCOMES: Understand a potential framework for structuring learning tool pilots * Explore considerations and implications for collaborating across teams around new learning tools * Learn how to turn a pilot into operational reality


  • Sharon Goodall

    Product Manager, University of Maryland
  • George Kroner

    Solution Architect, Academic Technologies, University of Maryland Global Campus

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