Connectivity and Student Learning Experiences in the Pandemic: Results from the Fall 2020 Student Survey
This presentation will cover key findings from the 2020 Fall Student Study, which focused on undergraduate students’ experiences with connectivity and learning with technology during the COVID-19 global pandemic. The presenters will offer an overview of the 2020 student study participants and share the results on topics related to issues with reliable internet and device access, as well as effective remote/online learning instructional practices. Actionable recommendations will be discussed, and attendees will be invited to share examples of both successes and challenges in addressing student connectivity, device, and learning needs at their institutions in the wake of the pandemic. Attendees will be able to use what they learn to better identify, understand, and address technology issues related to connectivity and online learning as they plan for a return to campus and write the next chapter at their own institutions.
Senior Analyst, The Tambellini Group