Flipping the Online Learning Model to Drive Accessibility, Affordability, and Student Success

On Demand
Session Type: Industry and Campus Session
Delivery Format: On-Demand

As education and technology continue to evolve toward the cloud, accelerated by COVID-19, learn how your institution can leverage this momentum to advance innovations that drive accessibility, affordability, and student success. Laura Hart is the Director of Online Educational Initiatives and leads the Department of Medical Ethics and Health Policy’s online educational initiatives including the University of Pennsylvania’s first fully online degree—the Master of Health Care Innovation, whose inaugural class graduated in 2019—and noncredit Professional Development courses, as well as Continuing Education in ethics. Adam Zolkover is the Associate Director for Online Instructional Design in the department’s online programs and recently led the project for the Smartsheet-Canvas integration to ensure student success. Hear how both of them are addressing issues of accessibility and online learning, as well as student support and affordability.


  • Rajeev Arora

  • Laura Hart

    Director of Online Educational Initiatives, University of Pennsylvania