Low-Stakes Games to Engage and Empower Online Learners

On Demand
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: On-Demand

This session will introduce participants to instructional strategies for gamifying their online courses to increase student engagement and deepen learning. With interactive demonstrations of several popular tools such as Flippity and Sli.do, the presenters will lead participants through some brief examples that consider course learning objectives aligned with instructional activities. The presenters will provide a resource and reference sheet for additional research, instruction, and examples of how to implement games in their courses. Participants will have opportunities for discussion, sharing, and idea-generating for how to build their own low-stakes games for their courses.


  • Enza Antenos

    Italian Prof./Director of Language, Business & Culture, Montclair State University
  • Julie Dalley

    Associate Director, Montclair State University