Re-Bridging the Digital Divide: Academic Libraries as a Source for Digital Equity
Join our discussion to see how four academic librarians are working to advance digital equity and inclusion for their users by removing barriers that inhibit student access. The presenters will discuss the current digital divide in Montana and how access—or lack of access—to resources impacts student success in remote learning environments, including personal device ownership, access to internet or cell service, remote authentication, and digital accessibility. Libraries serve as an integral IT access point for many students, faculty, and staff, and libraries play a critical role in the higher education IT community. The session will outline a variety of ways academic libraries are connected to information technology, such as through online instruction, acquisitions and remote access to resources, and public and digital accessibility services. Finally, presenters will share perspectives and strategies to promote digital equity and inclusion and increase the accessibility of library and online resources.
Instruction & Accessibility Librarian, Montana State University
Hannah McKelvey
Electronic Resources & Discovery Services Librarian, Montana State University -
Rachelle McLain
Collection Development Librarian, Montana State University -
Meghan Salsbury
Instructional Technology Librarian, Montana State University