Zoom Alchemy: Transforming Online Class Sessions

Thursday, May 20 | 11:00AM–11:45AM ET
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Live Session

How can you support faculty in transforming a “talking head” lecture into an engaging session that leverages their precious synchronous time with students? Experience how IU’s Learning Technology consultants empowered faculty to turn Zoom plumbum into active-learning gold! During this session, you’ll see IU’s multifaceted approach to promoting active learning in fully online synchronous and hybrid courses, including an ebook, mini-webinars, interactive webinars, and one-on-one consultations. Experience first-hand how active learning in Zoom was communicated and supported across these multiple channels to appeal to diverse faculty preferences and needs. Discover how you could adapt this approach for your institution.


  • Zach Carnagey

    Principal Digital Learning Consultant, Indiana University
  • Andi Strackeljahn

    Curriculum Specialist, Indiana University Bloomington