This year’s event is focused on, "Writing the Next Chapter: Innovative Practices, New Integrations, and Transformative Impacts." Our corporate community is invited to present on topics of interest, lessons learned, case studies, foresight, and/or evidence of impact related to the event program theme and tracks, while actively engaging with attendees.
Each presentation may have a maximum of four presenters, and at least one presenter must be from a higher education institution.
Live and Simulive presentations include an opted-in list of session attendees with name, title, organization, and email address of those who agree to share their information during registration (provided post-event). To learn more about attendee lists and promotions, visit the Attendee Lists & Promotions section in the Corporate Resource Center.
Presentation Types & Tips
Live Presentations
May 18 & 20
Live presentations offer you the chance to host a 45-minute presentation with 30 minutes for presentation/engagement and 15 minutes for Q&A.
Simulive Presentations
May 18 & 20
Simulive presentations are 20-minute, pre-recorded sessions that run during the live program and allow presenters to actively engage in the chat feature during your assigned simulive presentation time.
Quick tip: Be sure your simulive presenter(s) attend your simulive presentation, so they can help answer questions and demonstrate their thought leadership in the chat feature during your organization’s assigned time.
Training Sessions
May 19
This is a new and unique chance to show your current clients and potential prospects how your product or service works for better understanding. Your organization develops and hosts your training session on your site or platform, and EDUCAUSE will provide the marketing and registration to get attendees there.
Quick tip: To get the most out of this experience, we recommend your training be educational in nature and not a sales pitch.
On-Demand Presentations/Demos
Accessible at any time during the event
These 20-minute pre-recorded sessions will be hosted in a virtual, on-demand (recorded) session gallery. You may structure your on-demand session as a: 15–20-minute "Lightning Talk" that focuses on a single idea or concept; 20-minute educational presentation on research findings, case studies, or experiences about a specific topic; or a demo, simulation, or walkthrough of a technology or solution, including XR/VR.
And don't forget! Be sure to provide your Twitter handle and other social media channels in your presentation materials, so attendees can connect with you after the event. Check your channels periodically to help answer questions and participate in discussions.

Presenter Resources
For additional information and resources to prepare for your presentation, visit our Presenter Resources page and Presenter Concierge service. There you'll find general information and answers to frequently asked questions, as well as materials that can help you design and deliver an effective presentation to ensure you use your speaking opportunity to the fullest extent possible. You can also connect with Sarah Reynolds, EDUCAUSE Speaker Liaison, by email at any time leading up to the event.