Cal State XR: Collaboration, Innovation, and Creativity—Amazing Things Are Possible!

Thursday, June 09, 2022 | 11:15AM–12:00PM PT | Indigo 204B, 2nd Floor
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Presentation/Panel Presentation

Immersive technologies (AR/VR/XR) have long held promise in higher education for transforming how we teach, learn, and connect, but they have also faced obstacles to adoption due to access and affordability issues. In this session, we’ll demonstrate how we’ve leveraged an open-source, device-agnostic XR platform (Mozilla Hubs and AWS cloud) and made it available at scale across universities in our system to make immersive environments available for teaching, virtual events, and other engagement activities.


  • Kate Miffitt

    Chief Digital Experience & Engagement Officer, University of California, Office of the President
  • Max Tsai

    Innovation Officer | Interim Director of Digital Transformation, California State University, Fresno