Nudging Northwestern to a Next Normal

Friday, June 10, 2022 | 9:30AM–10:15AM PT | Aqua C, 3rd Floor
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Presentation/Panel Presentation

How do you keep student-centered instruction thriving during a challenging time? At Northwestern, we found that students and faculty largely agree on what worked in remote learning, but many faculty felt uncertain about how to transfer new practices back to campus. To encourage some low-stakes first steps, Northwestern IT launched an email series to rave reviews. This session will help you envision what a culture-changing email campaign looks like on your campus.


  • Rachel Goc

    Learning Engineer, Northwestern University
  • Dan Hoefler

    Senior Learning Technologist, Northwestern University

Resources & Downloads

  • Nudging Northwestern to a Next Normal_Presentation

    Updated on 6/2/2022
  • Nudging Northwestern to a Next Normal_handout

    Updated on 6/2/2022