How Higher Ed Uses Microcredentials

Thursday, June 08, 2023 | 1:00PM–2:00PM PT | Pacific Ballroom B, 2nd Floor
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Presentation/Panel Presentation

Learners want to be recognized for their achievements and capabilities. Awarding microcredentials to acknowledge their knowledge and skills is a huge growth area for higher ed, especially when institutions can show evidence of learning outcomes aligned with industry needs. We'll highlight how institutions use microcredentials to bring transparency to what students are getting out of their learning in and out of the classroom and help build the bridge between education and employment.


  • Sherri Braxton Castanzo

    Deputy CIO for Digital Innovation, Bowdoin College
  • Sarah DeMark

    Vice Provost, Workforce Intelligence & Credential Integrity, Western Governors University
  • Kelly Hoyland

    Director, Higher Education Programs, 1EdTech
  • Collin Sullivan

    Program Director, Digital Credential Innovation, University of Maryland, Baltimore County