From Courses to Colleges to Campus: How to Evaluate Online Teaching for Your Whole Campus

Wednesday, February 17, 2016 | 1:00AM–1:00AM
Session Type: Professional Development
When evaluating online teaching, colleges and universities often start by locating or creating a rating form. This is one of the last steps—not the first—in designing an effective evaluation of online teaching. Before we know what online-course activities and behaviors we will measure, we must take a holistic perspective and address context-specific factors that will shape the evaluation process. The best evaluation tools in the world will not be effective if they can't be implemented in a consistent, efficient manner that meets the needs of both faculty members and the institution.


  • Jean Mandernach

    Executive Director, Center for Innovation in Research and Teaching, Grand Canyon University
  • Annie Taylor

    Sr. Assistant Dean for Distance Learning and Director, John A. Dutton Institute for Teaching & Learning Excellence, The Pennsylvania State University
  • Thomas Tobin

    Senior Teaching & Learning Dev, University of Wisconsin-Madison