
Course Activity and Digital Badge

Each registered participant will develop one activity that employs various concepts and strategies introduced in the course. Participants will be asked to complete assignments between the course segments that support the learning objectives and will receive feedback and constructive critique from the facilitators on how to improve and shape their work. Participants who successfully complete the entire activity will receive an EDUCAUSE digital badge recognizing their accomplishment.

Schedule and Activities

Session 1: Space matters, but only if instructors can take advantage of it.

Lead Presenter: Adam Finkelstein
November 28, 2018, 1:00–2:30 p.m. ET

What are active and collaborative learning spaces and why are they important? How can we help instructors take advantage of the new affordances these spaces provide? This session will set the stage for our discussion on how to develop a comprehensive support and development program to implement on your own campus.

Session Activity
For this first activity, please take a look at the framework that we used in this session to help think about creating a comprehensive support and faculty development program.

Your first task:

  1. In Black: Fill in support and faculty development activities that you are currently doing.
  2. In Blue: Fill in support and faculty development activities you plan to do in the next year.
  3. In Red: Fill in support and faculty development activities you would like to do but cannot in the next year.

Your second task:

  • Think about the zones of teacher thinking, planning and action
    1. Conceptual (C)
      • Values and beliefs about teaching
    2. Strategic (S)
      • General design of instruction
    3. Tactical (T)
      • Planning the specific activities needed to implement instruction
    4. Enactive (E)
      • Implementation of the plans, the act of teaching

Question: What zones are you targeting the most?
Question: Does this fit with your needs?

Session 2: A framework for creating a comprehensive support and faculty development program

Lead Presenter: Adam Finkelstein
December 5, 2018, 1:00–2:30 p.m. ET

In this session, we will explore a framework that can be used to help create a comprehensive support and development program for faculty, examine how it was implemented on one campus, and explore lessons learned as it has developed over time. You will begin thinking about how to use the framework to create a program on your own campus.

Session Activity
Think about the framework you have worked with and about the items you have not done but want to do, or the boxes that have less (or no) items. Address the following questions:

  1. What are your primary challenges to moving forward with the support / faculty development initiatives that you have not done or feel you cannot achieve?
  2. How can you overcome these challenges?

Session 3: Next steps - Strategies to move your initiative forward

Lead Presenter: Adam Finkelstein
December 12, 2018, 1:00–2:30 p.m. ET

In this session, you will reflect on the primary challenges of moving initiatives forward on your campus and examine a framework for organizational change that can be used to help focus on concrete next steps you can take to further your initiative.

Session Activity
Your final task. Think about Kotter’s framework, and answer the following questions:

  1. Where are you in his framework?
  2. Think about the 3 strategies you can use to move you forward. How can you implement them? What are your next steps?