It's Flipping Easy! How Easy-to-Use Portable Digital Camcorders Bring the Larger World and New Pedagogies into the Classroom

Wednesday, March 03 | 5:00PM–5:10PM
Session Type: Professional Development

Twenty-first century college and university curricula are emphasizing the connections between course work, student research, and engagement with the larger community outside the traditional classroom setting and beyond school walls. This session will illustrate how portable Flip digital camcorders have enabled creative student projects, supported student research, and facilitated community engagement in a variety of settings and disciplines at Duke University, thereby connecting to larger institutional strategic goals. We'll look at project examples, support resources, and lessons learned to explore how the use of a simple portable device has prompted larger discussions around mobile pedagogies and the digital media/communications literacies that can help students and faculty integrate mobile devices to best effect in their teaching and learning.


  • Samantha Earp

    Vice President for Information Technologies & Chief Information Officer, Smith College

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