Designing and Implementing MOOCs That Maximize Student Learning
Designing and Implementing MOOCs That Maximize Student Learning
Wednesday, April 03 | 2:20PM–2:55PM
Session Type:
Professional Development
Institutions face new challenges in designing and implementing MOOCs while keeping the focus on student learning. The scale and scope of MOOCs raise the stakes for colleges and universities and offer the opportunity to support both student and organizational learning through the process. Effectively supporting learning in MOOCs requires institutional insight and action in three key areas: (1) understanding how learning works in MOOCs, (2) designing MOOCs to optimize learning, and (3) deploying coordinated support to MOOC instructors. The presenters will review lessons and data from MOOC processes in all three areas and invite participant discussion integrating the three areas into concrete campus plans. Learn what is unique about online learning in MOOCs (compared to more traditional face-to-face and online instruction), how to adapt sound principles of course design to MOOCs, and how to plan organizational, logistical, and faculty/TA support for MOOCs in a coordinated and effective way.
Seth Anderson
Teaching Consultant, Duke University
Amy Collier
Associate Provost for Digital Learning, Middlebury College
Cassandra Horii
Assistant Vice Provost and Director of the Center for Teaching, Learning & Outreach, California Institute of Technology