New Learning Technologies and Emergent Practices in Higher Education
New technologies are changing how we teach and learn in classrooms as well as informal learning spaces. Techniques such as blogging, podcasting, and videoblogging once used by tight-knit groups of techies have emerged as key strategies of established media corporations. Social software practices like tagging and intelligent searching are changing how we process information and can potentially change what happens in our formal and informal learning spaces.
Join us as we explore a cross section of emerging technologies and practices including gaming, mobile applications, social and collaborative applications, chat, and clickers. What are the potential implications of students equipped with these technologies? How might they disrupt our existing teaching and learning practices? Are there strategies to help incorporate new technologies into existing infrastructure? How can we ensure that new technologies promote deeper learning?
In this session, we will explore emerging technologies and their integration into campus environments and identify new and emerging technologies. Some of the questions we will ask include how a given technology supports learner-centered principles, how it meets the needs of different types of learners, how it fits with existing campus infrastructure and support systems, the fiscal implications of its widespread adoption, and the policy issues raised by its use.