Monday, April 10, 2006 | 1:00PM–2:00PM ET

Adventures in Space Design: Building and Supporting A Collaborative Computing Lab

In spring 2001, a project group composed of lab managers, A/V specialists, interior designers, and architects met to begin planning Emory's first collaborative computing lab—the Computing Center at Cox Hall. What followed—making the facility a reality—was a wild success. Student use has grown from 5,000 users a month to more than 15,000, with both undergraduates and graduate students gravitating to the new ways of researching, working, and learning together that the center supports. This Web Seminar tells the story of the facility, from design to production, highlighting essential strategies for building, enabling, and living with one vision of a next-generation computing center.


  • Kim Braxton

    Sr. Director, Academic Technology Services, Emory University
  • Alan Cattier

    Associate CIO, Academic and Client services, Dartmouth College

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    9 MB, pdf - Updated on 9/6/2024