Digital Courseware in Higher Education: Developments and Possibilities
October 10, 2016
1:00–2:00 p.m. ET (UTC-4)
Michael Feldstein
Mindwires Consulting
David Lindrum
Founder & Course Designer
Soomo Learning
Kim Thanos
Lumen Learning
Eric Frank
Stephen Laster
Chief Digital Officer
McGraw-Hill Education
Courseware is receiving increased attention, as higher education institutions search for ways to increase student success. Although many institutions have already deployed courseware, there are still many fundamental questions still remain. Do we agree on what "courseware" means? Does help or hinder course designs? For which courses is a boon, for which possibly a bust? The webinar, moderated by MindWires' Michael Feldstein, will be a discussion of today's courseware and its prospects for the future. Attendees will have the opportunity to join in the discussion, posing their own questions to the vendor panel.
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