ELI Webinar | AMA Innovations in Medical Education Webinar Series | Transforming Education: Leading Innovations in Health Professions Education
Health care delivery is changing at an unprecedented pace due to advances in technology, an aging population, the increasing burden of chronic diseases, and health care costs. Medical education, which underwent its last major transformation over a hundred years ago, needs to change so the next generation of physicians is prepared to take care of today's and future patients in a constantly changing environment. The American Medical Association (AMA) Accelerating Changes in Medical Education Consortium schools have been developing educational innovations to prepare students for the practice of tomorrow. The AMA Innovations in Medical Education Webinar Series goal is to help disseminate the work of the AMA Consortium schools to physicians and health care profession educators across the country so innovations can be adapted in their own teaching. The learners targeted are educators at medical schools and other health professions school, especially those involved in interprofessional education.
Describe changes in health care delivery affecting medical education
Discuss innovations in medical education to address those changes including competency-based education (CBE) and the student e-portfolio, the master adaptive learner, and academic coaching
Discuss an implementation plan of innovations at your school
Articulate challenges to implementing educational innovations
Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Medical Education College Mentor and Director of Learning Communities Asst Professor of Pediatrics, Critical Care, Vanderbilt University
Nicole Deiorio
Assistant Dean, Student Affairs, Undergraduate Medical Education Professor and Co-chief, Education Section, Department of Emergency Medicine, Oregon Health & Science University -
Richard Hawkins
Vice President, Medical Education Outcomes, American Medical Association -
Kim Lomis
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