Moving Your Library to the Cloud

Friday, May 18, 2012 | 10:45AM–11:45AM | White River Ballroom A
Session Type: Professional Development
Bucknell was an early adopter of the OCLC WorldShare Management Services solution in the summer of 2011. In this session, we'll overview this project, focus on the new realities cloud-based services present, and engage in a lively dialogue on the following topics: How practical is the cloud for libraries? How does this fit with the vision of open-source library systems? Will cloud-based library systems become as common as Google e-mail systems on college campuses? Will libraries embrace the idea that their core system is more commodity than cottage industry? And if so, what does that mean for the future?


  • Param Bedi

    Vice President & Chief Information Officer, Bucknell University
  • Mark Yerger

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