Learning Experience

The Learning Lab experience is supported by both asynchronous and synchronous components. Each part includes a set of resources, an asynchronous discussion, and an interactive live session, all of which culminate in the development of a project to apply learning to local and specific contexts in support of the learning objectives.


Part 1: Culture Change and Building Security and Privacy Awareness

August 7, 2024, 1:00–2:30 p.m. ET

This is a live session to learn the details of the Learning Lab, the Canvas site, and expectations for the microcredential. There will also be time to get to know your fellow Lab partners and facilitator.

During our first session, we will discuss the benefits and challenges of creating a security- and privacy-aware culture on your campus. We will also identify the key elements needed in a successful security or privacy awareness plan, including goals, audience segmentation, messaging, channels, campus partnerships, and meaningful metrics.

Learning Objectives:

  • Discuss and share key attributes and challenges of your current culture.
  • Examine essential components to development of an effective security or privacy awareness plan.
  • Compare and contrast different aspects of your current culture to identify areas needing change or improvement.

Part 2: Goals, Audiences, Partnerships, and Metrics

August 12, 2024, 1:00–2:30 p.m. ET

In this session, we’ll delve into the critical aspects of cultivating a culture of security and privacy awareness on your campus. This will include strategies involved in choosing goals, effectively segmenting your audience, establishing campus partnerships, and identifying meaningful metrics for assessing the success of your initiatives.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the strategic elements involved when fostering a culture of privacy and security on your campus.
  • Collaborate with other Learning Lab participants to determine goals, audiences, partnerships, and measurements appropriate to their organizations.
  • Build on learning from the first and second sessions to analyze strategies applicable to your campus awareness plan.

Part 3: Developing Key Messaging around Security and Privacy

August 15, 2024, 1:00–2:30 p.m. ET

In this interactive session, we will explore key considerations when developing effective messaging around security and privacy awareness. You’ll gain insights into key considerations for developing compelling messages that resonate with your target audiences, and specific recommendations for incorporating essential topics into your awareness plan will be provided. We will also discuss how to choose key security and privacy topics and develop messaging for specific audiences, while considering barriers and benefits to engaging these audiences and effecting changes in attitudes and behaviors.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand key considerations in your messaging.
  • Apply recommended messaging strategies.
  • Identify and choose appropriate messaging channels.

Part 4: Building a Strategic Awareness Plan

August 20, 2024, 1:00–2:30 p.m. ET

Building on prior sessions, this collaborative workshop session will guide you in the practical application of your learning. Working in teams, you will actively engage in the development of a typical strategic security and/or privacy awareness plan that includes specific activities for the academic year. Teams will then have the opportunity to share their ideas to foster innovation and effective practices.

Learning Objectives:

  • Translate newly acquired knowledge of critical components of an awareness plan into actionable strategies.
  • Collaborate in a team setting to develop and refine your awareness plan.
  • Present and share innovative ideas and effective practices.

Lab Project/Assignments

Building on the innovative and effective practices identified throughout this Learning Lab, you will create and submit individual strategic security and/or privacy awareness plans that include specific activities for the academic year. This plan will be created through expert facilitation and the use of a workbook that will guide you through critical considerations and essential steps needed for an effective awareness plan.