Data-Driven Strategic Learning Technology Planning: A Practical Guide

Tuesday, March 28 | 11:30AM–12:20PM | Room 551
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Interactive Presentation
Investment in educational technology involves the input of significant financial and human resources. Evaluating the effectiveness of this investment can be an arduous, but extremely important, task for educational technologists. This session aims to equip you with the perspectives needed to develop an effective strategy for evaluating the use of educational technology at your institution. This is achieved first through a short presentation on the strategies used by the session facilitators in their own evaluation plans, and second by a structured discussion among participants on how these strategies can be applied to their specific situations.

Outcomes: Outline 3 key examples of strategic information needs for your organization (formative and summative) * Describe data-gathering strategies that might help address your strategic information needs * Draft a data management strategy that ensures having complete and reliable information on learning technologies of your choosing


  • Shirley Cho

    Associate Project Manager, Boston College
  • John FitzGibbon

    Programs Manager, Boston College

Resources & Downloads

  • Data Driven Strategic Learning_slides

    324 KB, pdf - Updated on 9/7/2024