Using Classes as an Opportunity to Improve Student Digital Footprints
Tuesday, March 19, 2019 | 2:45PM–4:15PM ET | West Prefunction- Poster15
Session Type:
Poster Session
Delivery Format:
Poster Session
The days of creating a three-ring binder for a final project are gone. Courses can be used as an opportunity for students to learn about and improve their digital footprint— how someone appears on the Internet when searched. This session will focus on why this is important and specific strategies and ideas for classes.
Outcomes: Understand the concept of a digital footprint and the benefits of having a positive digital footprint * Learn about strategies for the classroom Learn how to incorporate these strategies into your courses
Outcomes: Understand the concept of a digital footprint and the benefits of having a positive digital footprint * Learn about strategies for the classroom Learn how to incorporate these strategies into your courses